Tuesday, June 15, 2010

In Our Dreams

This is a completely random blog post. But just hang on for the ride and please feel free to incorporate your thoughts into the comments section, as I’m very interested in what you think!

I’ve been having lots of dreams lately. Well, I’ll caveat that by saying that I’ve been remembering a lot of my dreams lately, at least for the few minutes immediately after I wake up. They have been very vivid, almost to the point of me waking up a little freaked out. Not because they are “bad” but because they are so vivid, that when I wake up, I have to familiarize myself with my surroundings and snap back into reality.

All I know from these dreams, is that I wake up wondering if any element of them are truth. As I type this blog, I don’t remember details of my dreams, but I know the general idea of them. They are dreams of hope, of wishes coming true, of things almost too good to believe, of unanswered prayers being answered. So here is the million dollar question:

Is the devil in our dreams? Can he get in there and control them?

I am serious about this inquiry. Part of me believes that the devil, Satan, the prince of power, whatever he might be called, is not allowed in our subconscious. It wouldn’t make sense, since he really tempts us by enabling us to make conscious choices. He knows us better than we know ourselves and can work with and against our minds for his good. It’s almost like being in our dreams would do no good because we don’t really make decisions in our dreams. I’d like to think that this is true. That only God is allowed in our dreams. That any message or feeling that comes about from our dreams is of God. Wouldn’t we have a great level of comfort knowing that?

The problem is, a big part of me thinks that the devil can get anywhere he wants. I know that God is omnipresent and sovereign. He is everywhere at all times and controls all things. But the devil gives Him a run for His money. The devil is right there, waiting for us to make conscious choices against the temptations that he throws at us. He tosses them at us all the time.

So, all of this has come up because I have been remembering my dreams lately. When I wake up, I’ve been faced with feelings that I thought I was done with. I thought I was past them. Or relationships that are over, but something in my dreams makes me wake up feeling something that I wasn’t expecting; perhaps hopeful, perhaps relief. Or I get a glimpse of the future: is it something to look forward to or something that I just humanly want?

Then there is the question of whether our dreams are controlled at all. Are they? Or do they just come about because of things that we have been experiencing lately? But didn’t God create our minds; conscious and subconscious? Does God (or the devil) use our dreams for or against us, or are they an untouchable little portion of our existence that nobody messes with but ourselves?

I haven’t done any “research” or Googled anything about this. It just makes me stop and think. What do you think? Is the devil in our dreams?


  1. Hmmm, I've never really thought about this, but here is my "take" on it...

    I think the devil can influence our dreams because our dreams are our thoughts. And as humans, we certainly allow the devil to enter our thoughts several times during the day--so why not at night?

    In several places in scripture, Jesus talks about how we have to "nip things in the bud" when they come into our minds so that we don't act on those things. In James 1 it talks about making sure we stop temptations from developing into desires because desires give birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death.

    I guess where I'm going with that is that you never want something to consume your thoughts so much that they turn into areas of worry or anxiety. Once that happens, we (as humans) tend to take God out of the picture...our worry and anxiety is essentially us saying that we don't trust God to take care of us.

    So, no matter what your dreams are (good or bad), I say you should just trust God with the situation (the relationship, the future, etc.). Haha! Easy to say that, right?! Love you, friend!

  2. I agree with Lauren...I too believe that Satan can have his spiny little hand in everything!! I agree that he has power within our thoughts and our thoughts tend to lead to our dreams...so it would make sense. I too think our reaction to these dreams, thoughts, etc are where we make the choice to follow God or follow a stray path Satan has laid out before us. That's why it's so important "to take every thought captive"!!

    Interestingly enough though...I too have had some seriously vivid dreams recently...and I honestly have never remembered many dreams. And the most vivid involved you :) I'll share that one with you on a non-public line!!

    Loved this random blog post :) Love you!!
